Today's spotlight is very special in my heart. As I have had the opportunity to see this godly woman in action. And as I am still in a whirlwind with the fact they are not even on island anymore, I was left thinking how can I best minister to this family, to Julie. God immediately placed upon my heart making a link for Julie, you can read more about that here. I felt that there was no better way to become a warrior for this family than to send prayers their way!!!! Here are a few posts from her Caringbridge blog, as I wasn't able to link the posts individually, I decided to copy and past them here for you to read. But please, don't just read. Take time today, in the weeks and months to come and lift up this family in prayer.
FRIDAY, MARCH 06, 2009
Well we are on our way back. Prepared or not. Leaving this morning was pretty hard. Telling the Smiths , Kaye and Naoko good bye was hard on my heart. Well we are getting ready to load the big bird that takes us across the pond. We will give you an update once we are there.
For the last 3 days we have watched our life here in Japan get packed up and put into 13 crates. It is so hard that our hold earthly possessions are now on there way to our new home. As I watched them pack and then load my heart became heavy knowing that the journey here is coming to an end. I am getting excited about moving back and being close to not only family but also to the 2 of the closest friends that I have there. They both have been so supportive and loving. I praise Jesus that He gives us those friends as family. We are getting excited and nervous about the 1st visit with the doctor however I know he will provide us with what we need. Dr. Perkins talked to his office this week and she really feels he is a good fit for me. I also found out this time I will do radation. I haven't taken any time to look on the the Internet about what is going on or the treatments. I want to fully rely on Jesus and know that the treatment plan that He has planned out is His and that I don't need a computer or internet page to tell me how long I am going to live or what med's I am going to take. .....
How do you say goodbye to a place that has loved you through one of toughest journeys one could ever be on. As we prepare, clean, sell and remember stories the tears fall and then we begin laughing. God has allowed us to call Japan our home for 16 years and we have ministered to Japanese, Okinawa and others in both places. I know in my heart we have done the work that Jesus has called us to here and now He is sending us on a new mission field. I feel in my heart once I understand (if that is possible) that my next mission will be to give Joy and Hope to those in the same battle as I am. To show them who Christ is in my life and how He holds me up when I feel as though I can stand no longer. We will be flying out on the 6th, I wrote the 5th last time and I think I was crying. However, God is good and He will provide all our needs. Keep us in your prayers as we begin to pack up our life to move it to another area and pray for our sanity as we still have a car to sell and a stove. These are our main items. Well we will keep you posted either from this side of the world or when we get back to the states. I am learning how to say Howdy and looking up important facts so that I can become a true Oklahoma citizen. God Bless and we love you all.
In His Grip
Well it seems that all is in place and God is showing us a path for this journey. We have found a doctor and I will see him on the 12th of Mar for our inital appointment. We begin packing out next week and the tears will begin to fall as we leave our family here in Okinawa. God has truly blessed us with a wonderful church, and family within the body. This is extremely hard for me as I leave my support system here and begin a new one is OK. I am very blessed to have 2 of the greatest friends that live there and will be with me and praying with me. God also blessed Britt with a move up date for the job, so we will have a job when we get there. God has begun a good work already in this journey. I feel this time Ps 121 will be my Joshua stone. For my help can only come from the Lord the Maker of the Heavens and Earth. And He will be there with me even in the darkest hours and yes with chemo there can be some dark times. With all this said we leave on the 5th of Mar and arrive at 3:30 in OK. Please continue to lift us up in prayer and we will keep you updated as the journey continues.
In His Grip
Do you ever read the Old Testament and look for Christ? In reading Numbers 30 today that is what came to mind. How we are the Bride and Christ is the Bride Groom. How Christ did take all our guilt and actually did something about it, gave His life for our sin our guilt. There is no work to be done to enter through the gates of heaven. All work was completed at the cross, all debts were paid on the third day by Christ, when God raised Him from the grave. The world was given new hope when Christ ascended into the sky to be with His Father, Our Creator, the One and Only God. One day Christ will come back for his bride, the church. Will that be you? What do you rest your confidence of your salvation in, religion or relationship? As we draw near to Resurrection Sunday, I would like to encourage you to reflect in prayer your relationship with Christ. Has it deepened at all since last year. How can you draw closer to Christ, what, if anything, is holding you back? What is one thing you could do today to help you become more intimate with God?
Dear Father, soften our hearts, still our soul that we may hear your desires for us. May we seek out ways to glorify Jesus and honor You. Let us not be so quick to rush through this season before Resurrection Sunday. Show us one way we can become more focused on You and less concentrated on the things of this world. In Jesus Name we pray, Amen
1 comment:
What a great tribute to Julie! She sounds like an amazing lady:)
Cute hairbows too. You amaze me at your organization skills and how talented and crafty you are. You are a great lady! Miss ya.
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