
What to Pray Wednesday

The desire of my heart has been to pray for my children. Angie, over at Bring the Rain has a wonderful 7X7 prayer schedule and that is what watered the seed a pastor's wife had sowed in my heart several years ago. See I believe that prayer can make a difference, not only in the present but in the future. Even Jesus prayed for each believer before He was crucified. My issue hasn't been a desire to pray but a way to make the prayers come forth from my heart. Then as I was folding laundry, specific prayers started popping into my head.

As I turned CJ's little socks inside out my heart cried out: "Father may CJ's feet veer neither left or right but stay firmly planted on the path of righteousness."

Then as I sorted JJ's underwear again my heart cried out: "Father, keep JJ pure and chase."

I came to LJ's socks and my heart sang out: " May LJ be firmly rooted in your word and be bold and confident in the works you have set before him.

As I folded Big Daddy's undershirt, my heart's prayed to God that: "He would be strengthened for this day. That he would define his worth by God's standards and not the standards of this world. I prayed that he would be successful in bringing glory to God and may any obstacle that would hinder him doing so, be removed from his path.

Yes, yes this is how I want to pray, need to pray, CAN pray for my family!!!! So each week I will be sharing with you the prayers I pray over my family. I do this not to be showy but to minster to that one person who grew up like me: church-less and void of the teachings of the Word of God. Now that I am an adult, I stumble so much in doing what many would consider the bare essentials of being a Christian and it is not because I don't want to; rather because I was never taught how to in the first place. It is with you I share my journey of making my prayer life my very own so that you might be encouraged to do the same!!!!

Are there any good prayer resources you use in your life? I would be greatly blessed if you left them in my comments!!! And I look forward to meeting with you again next week as I continue to share with you the prayers of my heart!!!!

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