CJ: Remember when you loved to wear lip gloss?
LJ: Remember when you ate at the sushi go round, without complaining even though you don't really like sushi. And all because you know that I love to eat there!
JJ: Remember when you slept through a 7.0 earthquake and then stood ready to protect your family from the "salami" the next day.
What is the Lord teaching me through you kids. Wow, so much!!! But most recent is the ability to slow down and enjoy the time I have with you. So much that keeps us moms busy really can wait until a more calmer time. College degrees, bible studies, and craft nights... all those things can wait but each day I have with you is a treasure I will never have a chance to hold again. Truly as much as I teach you about our Loving Father and our Savior Jesus is as much as I am learning too. We don't always get it right but how blessed we are to serve a Savior who did get it right, on the cross just for us!!!!! My prayer is that as I build your lives on these truths that you too will continue to build your lives on our Corner Stone, Jesus!!!

1 comment:
What a great linky idea!!! I really liked reading the part at the end. So many times I have to remind myself to just stop and live in the moment with my kiddos. Like you said, many other things can wait. In fact, many of those "other things" will still be there after the kids have grown up and moved out! I don't want to look back and say, "Oh, I had the cleanest, most organized house...but I wish I would have spent more of that time playing with my kids!" Thanks for the reminder! This is something that I need to remind myself of daily!!! :-)
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