
Who knew… God did!!!

Here on the tropical island of Okinawa, Japan it is the day after Thanksgiving and we just made it through one of the sickest days in our family. No turkey was cooked, the kids drank up the fact that we let them be on the T.V and computer all day. Big Daddy stayed in bed and I parked myself on the futon in the living room. JJ was a bit sick also so he didn't ask for much. Thankfully because we don't allow this much electronic entertainment it was a feast , of sorts, for our little ones and I was able to recoup a bit. But pushing past that all, what I find amazing was that not a single invitation to come have Thanksgiving dinner with us had been accepted and now I know why. God knew we wouldn't be able to have anyone over and I see now He turned their hearts against coming to eat with us. Whew right. God answers prayer for me often that I have not even asked and this is one of the most recent answers!!!!! So now I will let God lift me out of my self-pity hole and continue to march on…. After all there is a fest that I still need to cook and a hubby that hopefully can brave the shopping crowds to get some items he needs. (See there is another answered prayer: I H-A-V-E to stay home and cook the turkey today which will not allow me to face all those crowded shopping plazas. Oh darn!!!)

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