Dear Father, may our confidence always be in You and not ourselves. Let us remain confident in You through all situations,never losing our trust in You. When we stand firm in Your truth we know all things work for Your glory. That You stand right beside us never fleeing from us in the face of hardships and rejoice with us as You bless us. YOU ARE MIGHTY! May this be the cry of our hearts. In Jesus Name we pray, Amen

mightier than the breakers on the shore—
the Lord above is mightier than these!
Psalm 93:4 NLT
I have really been enjoying reading The Message translation of the Bible this year. It has really helped get through these first several books of the Old Testament without getting frustrated and staying encouraged and motivated about sticking with my reading plan. I'm excited to be making my way through Deuteronomy now. So did you resolve to read your Bible daily, pray daily, do a Bible Study at the beginning of the year. How are you doing with that goal? Remember God's mercies are new every day so you should make sure to show yourself grace. We are not perfect, just serve a perfect God!!!!
Mar 12 Deuteronomy 3-4
Mar 13 Deuteronomy 5-7
Mar 14 Deuteronomy 8-10
Mar 15 Deuteronomy 11-13
Mar 16 Deuteronomy 14-16
Mar 17 Deuteronomy 17-20
Mar 18 Deuteronomy 21- 23
Awesome photo and verse together!
Praise God He is all we need and our ROCK!
Such a wonderful WFW.
loved this! what a great encouragement!
I loved the prayer. This verse and picture were awesome together! Happy WFW to you.
Great WFW. Perfect photo for that verse. We are always safe in the Lord.
Wow, this was really good.
Love your blog too!!
Enjoyed my visit here.
Very true!
Happy WFW...God bless!
~♥~ Mariposa's Tales ~♥~
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