Well I went visiting this morning to check out the "format" for Coffee Company Girl style, and after stopping by Shanna's, Janet's, Reese's, and Mommahen's I realized there is no format. Whew!! It's just a chance to sit down a gab, blogging style. This is right up my alley: No need to worry if I got all the cheerios out of the couch, no need to be in a panic about the dirty dishes in the sink, and best part I don't even have to take a shower. (You'll be thankful you don't have to
So since this is my first time having you all over for coffee, I thought I'd share 3 fun facts about myself:
1. I love coffee. Hot, cold, store bought, home made. If it's got coffee in it, I'm all go!!!
2. I misplace my camera all the time. I love to take pictures to share on my blog. The other day Big Daddy was looking through the files and asked:"Why did you take a picture of that?" "Oh to share on my blog." "You're going to share THAT?" "Yep". So maybe I'm not really misplacing it after all, lol.
3. I am a library junkie. We go to story time at our base library every Monday and then walk down there ever Friday to rent a free movie that we can return, on time, each Monday. Well I am the that person that casually browses as I walk by and if I see a book that is interesting, I pick it up and check it out. No rhyme or reason for why I pick the books, just depends on what isle I decided to walk down. So here is a list of my latest check out, which by the way doesn't include the titles from Monday's check out.
-simply sublime bags by jodi kahn
-does it freeze by bridget jones
-garments for beginners by coats & clark
-fix it and forget it, 5 ingredients favorites
-i'm bored! by suzy barratt and polly beard
-the 5:30 challenge by eanne besser and susan puckett
-making your own gourmet coffee drinks by mathew tekulsky
-the ultimate smoothie book by cherie calbom
-healthy treats and super snaks for kids by penny warner
-meatloaf by maryana vollstedt
So this weekend is super busy for me. As a matter of fact, I need to get going so that I can go make some pumpkin muffins for a L.I.N.K.S. session at Foster. Next I've got to prep my Sunday School lesson and Children's Church message. This week has been non stop and the rain didn't help either. But I am blessed by it all; just need to work better on time management. But hey with 3 kids, a Marine husband, and love for sewing I'm not sure I'll ever work that one out. It's fun trying, though. I really do have to go, but please look around, post a few comments, check out a few links, and hopefully you'll come back next week!!!! Enjoy your weekend. Hopefully I'll find my camera and be able to post some pics from our weekend!!!
Welcome to Company Girl Coffee!
I discovered it a few weeks ago when I was home with sick kids. I love checking in with everyone and chatting.It would be great to have real coffee. I don't get to sit and have coffee with the girls nearly enough.
Happy Friday!
Have a great weekend!
I laughed out loud when I saw you were looking for some type of "format."
That would be waaay to organized for me! One of these times I might suggest a particular topic or theme, but until then.....jest shoot the breeze, baby.
I love what you've done with your blog! A scrolling blog list with the logos??? You rock.
Your week sounded BUSY! But I really like your book list...you have a food and craft format, there. Meatloaf and sublime bags :)
I'm so glad you linked up...I enjoyed stopping in and visiting so much.
Hmmm, I think I know what aisle you went down on this visit to the library! ; ) But I do the same thing. I think I need to look for some of those books at our library--esp fix it and forget it.
I'm so glad you stopped by. Thank you for the beautiful link you left. It really was encouraging.
Glad to meet a new company girl! Looking forward to next week's visit! And if you want to come over we can finish Sunday School prep together--mine's not done yet either!
I love going to the library but I must confess that I'm a terrible library person....I forget to take my books back! I usually get some automated call reminding me and then I have to pay a big fine......so then, I swear off going to the library for awhile!
Coffee nut here!
And I like your book selection. I do a similar 'walk-through' while my youngest kids play in the library's puppet theater. Problem is: I don't finish 'em before they're due.
"What's the Point?" My husband says.
I laughed just a bit over "format" too. The beauty of Company Girls is the surprise on everyone's blog.
Nice to meet you!
Happy Weekend!
Great to visit with you over coffee, which is one of my favorite beverages as well. I don't tend to misplace my camera often, but we are known to drag it with us to every family event and never take it out of the bag.
Enjoy your coffee and your new books. Sounds like a great way to spend a weekend.
Welcome! It was so nice visiting with you. I love your blog design - very pretty. I am in the market for a new blog design myself.
I am all about the coffee too! A new Starbucks opened up on my birthday this week and it is so close to my house I could walk to it. I am afraid of what is about to happen to my bank account! Lol!
Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Welcome! Glad to have you here. Sounds like you are a busy bee there. We are bookworms over here as well. We definitely cannot miss storytime. Hope you "find" your camera soon. haha
Hi! I love coffee too, coffee flavoured stuff mmm ice cream, yogurt mmm. Nice to "visit" with you :)
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