
Tackle it Tuesday

Last week's List:
Finish E's quilt: I picked up thread yesterday while at the fabric store so I'm hoping to have pics for next week, cross your fingers.
Pictures for Family Tree Lesson

Pick a date night with Big Daddy
We finally decided to make Monday nights our date nights!!!!!
make M's b-day gift

Here is her tutu and flower wand.
review elevate lesson

Find last squares for CJ's quilt
I found the last 3 squares yesterday so pics will have to wait till next week!!!
organize craft supplies

This is now my craft/ laundry table. I am so proud of how I have utilized this space.
Pictures for Chore Duty and Schedule Reminders

To see how we use this, click here.

de-clutter kitchen: making progress just need to finish spice drawers and the ever infamous Tupperware cabinet
print off labels for important date book: I have 3 pages of address I have to confirm. It's a start right.
make new address book: as soon as addresses are confirmed this will be a piece of cake!!!

I was amazed at how much I really did get done last week. I sure, though, you ain't seen nothing yet till you check out what everyone else is up to on Tackle It Tuesday.
Well, here it is the list I'll be off and running with over the next week!
Week Four:
Must Do:
Finish E's quilt
Pay monthly bills
Laundry (yes again but it's much less chaotic with my new "laundry table"
Prep Cubbie Crafts

Need To Do:
Finish Craft Schedule for Cubbies
Plan Week 2 and 3 of Elevate
Prep cooking
Cut out squares for CJ's quilt
Finish de-cluttering kitchen

Want To Do:
Labels for date book
New address book
De-clutter master bedroom (only after done with kitchen)


Upstatemamma said...

Good for you!! I have not been that productive in awhile. I cannot seem to get my groove on.

Susie said...

Great tackle list! Good luck on completing it:-)

Eli's Lids said...

This is great! I have so much fun crossing off lists, I might try this next time :)