
Back in the Game, Again!!!

Well, seems that I have been away from my blog so long that alot has changed!!! I've got a learning curve with this new format but seeing that we made it through the last couple of months and last night's ER visit, it's doable!!!!! We are enjoying our mini summer break and the hot, hot weather!!! Can't wait to show you how we have been cooling off. I know for myself I am dragging as it's the first day back to a "normal" routine. Add to that the dragging feet of an exhausted mamma who spent 4 plus hours in the ER and well, lets just say I'm up for another cup of coffee!

What about you? How has your summer been so far? Can't wait to catch up with every one! Happy Summer Yall!!!

Making Memories!!!

Enjoying ice cream at the new coffee shop in town!

Picking strawberries!

Celebrating the birthday boy!

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