
The Path to knowledge

And I did, I surrendered it all to Him that day. And even though I was going home heartbroken, empty handed and completely broken, there was a calm within my heart that I never knew. Some might say it was the calm before the storm but knowing what I know now, it was Christ taking ownership of my life and settling everything down. See as a young child, I had heard Christ calling my name and answered His call. Unfortunately I was never given the chance to know Him through God's Word or have an intimate growing relationship.

There are several ways you can look at growing up in the church: a blessing or a stumbling block. I have seen very strong children emerge from Christian families. More often than not, however I have seen resentful, disconnected children who know how to do the Sunday routine but have no relationship with Christ. And I knew and know, that isn't what I wanted for my family. Truth be told, though, I had no idea how to raise a Christian child. I knew very little about the bible and even less on how to raise a child who would love Christ and accept His precious gift of Salvation. I did know, however, that the Bible contained all the answers I was seeking. So that was my first step, reading through the entire bible.

To be continued ... Just as life does 

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