
Nothing but Time

that is my gift to my family. As I was driving to the grocery store today, I was pondering the fact that so often I find myself trying to do this or that to save time, cut corners, be faster and all for what??? That I do not have an answer to. But what did occur to me is that my family is worth all my time!!!! I should want to spend time cooking and cleaning and planning and setting aside my personal ambitions to be right here right now for them. I know that last might offend some but FOR ME, God is showing me that it ISN'T about me its about the family He has given me for such a short time while we are all together and I really need to make the most of it. I want my legacy to be simply this: that I walked each one of my children down the path to the foot of the cross and along the way I taught them about Jesus and they saw Him in my life everyday so that when their age of accountability comes, they will be ready and able to accept Christ as their Lord and Savior. Any other legacy is but of this world and will not last for eternity. So I continue on this journey to number each day in 2011.

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