
Mettle Monday: The Proverbs 22:6 Promise

Train up a child in the way he should go
[and in keeping with his individual gift or bent],
and when he is old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6

I promise to greet you each day with a smile 
that conveys the love I have for you!!!

I promise to distinguish urgent from important and instill
within you the truth that YOU are my important.

I promise to still myself in the moments you bring to me,
no matter how busy I am.

I promise to give you all I have to give, each day,
from that which God fills me up with.

I promise to meditate each new morning on the importance of
my role within our family; putting it above any other role I
may have, outside our home, from time to time.

I promise to continue to grow in my relationship with Christ
so that I may continue to guide you closer and closer to Christ
as you discover your own personal relationship with our Savior.

I promise not to be perfect but to let our Savior perfect me
through the path He has set before us.

I promise to always remember that although you are my child,
you belong to God and I must do as He directs me and not
fulfill my own selfish desires through your life but train you up
into the person God has designed you to be.

I promise to seek first God's wisdom above any philosophy,
book, or opinion of man.

I promise, from this day forward, to intercede daily for you
and the path that God has designed for you so that you
may not be entangled by the snares of this world but
be blessed by obedience to God.

These things I promise to you, my precious child, before God
to help you become the individual that God created you to be!!!

Love, Your Mom

 As I prayed for guidance as a mom, the above flowed from my heart onto paper.  My prayer is that you will be blessed in using or sharing The Proverbs 22:6 Promise. After all, God's wisdom is for all and has no earthly ownership!!


Courtney (Women Living Well) said...

Beautiful post. I also really like your side bars - that youtube is GREAT - I love Kirk Cameron and all your projects look like so much fun!

You have a great place here!!

Anonymous said...

Neat to see Courtney posting here :) Love your blog, too!!