However I also have a separate book for lesson plans
and my daily to do list is on my fridge.
But the one thing that wasn't working was the weekly part of the planner with all the time slots:
So I decided to open up my Microsoft Word and create my own planner and I tell you what!! It is working like a charm and its all located in my handy dandy 3 ring binder!!
This is my new weekly planner. On the left page I have a column to list my weekly menu plans, then I have Monday and Tuesday listed with rows to record the lessons I plan to teach that day. Then at the bottom of each daily column I have a space to write down any commitments for that day. My last row coordinates any calls I need to make, my daily to do checklist and my weekly room care schedule.
The right page completes the week with columns for Wednesday thru Friday and a row for Saturday and Sunday, without spaces for lesson plans.The last row is for me to write any items I will need to pick up at the commissary or write down any other reminders. Head on over and check out the L2L's planner and see if it will work for you or get your creative juices flowing and make your own!!!
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