
Wordless Bible

This is a craft I made for my Cubbies at church and also saved a couple to give to my own children. I sewed mine together with cotton fabric but to make it easier and enable little ones help make it, you can use felt or construction paper; then staple or hand stitch the Wordless Bible together.

(Here are several books laid out to show you the different colors needed. The Wordless Bible actually begins with the color green and then continues with blue, white, red, black, and finally yellow. Gwen suggest, and I agree, that when you talk about the black page use the word dark and not black as it can be offensive to certain ethnic groups.)

I adapted The Wordless Book by Gwen Moffat Davis for our Cubbie's group. I included verses that they already know or will learn by the end of the year to help them connect with what they were hearing.

Wordless Bible

Hey guys, come over here! I want to share something very special with you. (I don't like to say let me read you a story, when teaching from the Bible, because I want to stay away from putting in their heads that this "might" be a fairy tale.) In my hands I have a book, but its no ordinary book! Look at it and tell me what you see that is different from any other book you have ever seen?

(If you need to encourage them by noting that there are no words to read or pictures to look at.)

That's right I don't have any words to read or pictures to look at. Remember how I told you I wanted to share something special with you? Well that something special is my Wordless Bible!! See I want you to be able to tell anyone you meet about Jesus!! Are you ready to learn how you can share your Wordless Bible with someone who doesn't know God??

Great, first we have to turn our Wordless Bible over and start from the back with the yellow page! Genesis 1:1 (Bear Hug 2) tells us ...God created the heavens and the earth. Since we live on earth we know what it looks like and although we have not been to heaven yet, the Bible tells us that in heaven the streets are paved with gold and that it has walls of jewels and gates of BIG pearls. Did you know that Heaven is God's home and one day we can live there with him!!! So our yellow page reminds us of..... HEAVEN!!!!

Now who remembers what Romans 3:23(Bear Hug 18) or our A verse tells us? Yes ...all have sinned. So as we turn to our next page, the dark page that reminds us that sin can NEVER be in Heaven. But do you know what sin is? Yep, it's when you disobey God. Like when you steal something or lie to someone, or when you say unkind words to someone, that is sin. And that sin is what separates us from God. So our dark page reminds us of what?? SIN

Now God knew we would sin and he knew we would need a Savior. And as we turn to our red page, lets say 1 Timothy 1:15 (Bear Hug 16)...Jesus came into the world to save sinners... Now does anyone remember how Jesus saved us from our sin? Yes by dying on the cross. 1 John 4:10(Cubbie Bear Key Verse) tells us ...God loved us and sent His Son. When Jesus died on the cross, He paid for your sin, for my sin, for ALL sin once and for all!!! Wow, isn't that awesome. So our red page reminds us of the Blood of Jesus.

But look we still have more pages left so that means I have more to tell you!!! Now turn to your white page. After Jesus died on the cross they put Him in a tomb and then on the first, second, THIRD day, guess what!!! God raised Him from the dead!!! So when you hear Luke 24:6 (Special Day 4).. He is not here, He has risen; it's talking about the day that God raised His Only Son from the dead!! When we look at our white page it reminds us that when we ask Jesus to be our Savior, He wipes all our sins away and our hearts become white as snow!!!

Who knows what color the sky is? Blue, right! And does the sky cover the whole earth? Yes it does. Matthew 28:20 (Bear Hug 19) tells us ... I am with you always.. When you ask Jesus into your heart He sends a very special friend to live within you and His name is the Holy Spirit. And guess what! The Holy Spirit is here to help us know what is right from wrong, to understand what the Bible says and do things that please God. So our blue page reminds us of who???? The Holy Spirit.

Oh wow, we only have one page left and what color is it?? Right, green!!! Well lets see are the leaves on a tree green? Yes! How about the leaves on a plant? Of course. And what does a tree or plant need to grow? Right Sunshine and water. And guess what just like a tree or plant needs nourishment to grow, we need to read God's Word to spiritually grow in God!!! Proverbs 30:5 (Special Day 6) tells us ...every word of God is flawless [good and true]. So if we want to grow up big and strong in God we need to read His Word, The Bible.... Every day!!!! So our green page reminds us to keep GROWING in God!!

Do you remember what Mark 10:14(Bear Hug 14) said?? let the little children come to me... Jesus wants you to ask Him to be your Savior and also to share who He is with other people that you meet. And now, even though you can't read you can still share your Wordless Bible with someone and tell them how much Jesus loves them!!!!

Hopefully you find this useful. Don't forget to check out Mama Jenn and see what other parents are doing with their children this week!!!


Dustine said...

I'm the storyteller in our group. It is so fun and so challenging. Thank you for sharing your plans here this looks like a great idea.

Laurel H. said...

Do you happen to have a pattern for this Wordless Bible bag? A woman who has a homeless ministry uses these to share the gospel with people on the street.