So as I read Day 5, I kinda chuckled as of course I didn't get it "all right". So of course I revised my list from yesterday and as I was practicing my 5 minutes of being still before God, He gave me some very humbling instructions.
And although I think I have an idea of what He's trying to tell me, I'm even more excited to know that He will reveal something amazing to me; if only I can learn to be still.
I also looked up the opposite of worship which is: contemn, despise, disdain, flout, scorn, curse, execrate, or vilify. And the synonym............................
....so I got to thinking, how can I worship, how can I love God better than to focus on him? And this lead to a visual picture of a red bulls eye. This red bulls eye is what I'm suppose to aim at every day and then I began to mentally draw black circles around this red bulls eye labeling the first ring Family. And in between the bulls eye and the Family ring I had prayer, Bible Study, Church as these are things I do to help me focus on God. The second ring I labeled Ministries or Body of Christ. Between Family and Ministries I have Matt, children, Deacon Family. The last ring is Service & Commitments. So between Ministries and Service & Commitments I have Cubbies, Y.A.N.A, Deacon Family. Then on the outskirts of the last ring I have Story time and Karate as these are weekly commitments we have committed to. So my vision is this: Aim for God every time and when I miss I'll have these things to refocus me. My desire is not to add anymore to this Target and hopefully in the future to reduce the amount that I have up so that the center bulls eye will get bigger and bigger and the other things smaller and smaller. Does that make any sense??
Father what an amazing day this has been. Not easy and full of denying the flesh but oh so rewarding knowing that my choices were pleasing to you. Lord, steady my course and hold my hand as I walk this path to knowing you more. In Jesus Name we pray, Amen
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