Today as we open up the 3rd egg we will talk about praying. Once my children are a bit older I will go into the details of Gethsemane, but at this age I feel it most appropriate to continue to model prayer and focus on making it a daily habit. Here is a fun craft we have done in the past to teach prayer by using the letters A-C-T-S.
On a piece of fabric, large enough for the child to kneel before and see, I visually divided the fabric into four squares then label each area with A for Adore, C for Confess, T for Thanks, and S for aSk for Stuff. Each night before bed we would kneel before the "prayer mat" and go over each "square" and have each child say at least one thing for each square.
Dear Father, let us always remember that our Spirit is willing but our flesh is weak. Help us to find discipline in Jesus that we may focus on Him and not the desires of this world. As Resurrection Sunday approaches help us not to fall away with all the preparations that will be going on and still away each day to focus on the reason we are able to celebrate: The tomb is empty and Jesus is Alive. In His Name we pray, Amen
What a great idea! I love the prayer mat!! We use Resurrection Eggs too...
Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm using Beth Moore's Bible Study on the Psalms of Ascent - it's really amazing!
Have a blessed day!
What a great idea! I like how you can personalize it!
I absolutely love. Love. LOVE! that you put the To-Do List in the sidebar!!!!!!!!!!! Fantastic! Seriously!!!!!!
Thanks for joining! Can't wait to see you tackle it all :)
You are amazing! Love the idea!
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