MONDAY, MARCH 16, 2009 08:16 PM, CDT
I'd like to be writing you good news, but unfortunately the news we received today was not what we expected to hear. Julie's scan's showed that the cancer is now in her brain, both lungs, lymph nodes in her chest, liver, and kidney's. We are still waiting for the results from the bone scan, but the doctor expects to find cancer there as well.
At the moment, we are stunned by the news. They are starting chemo tomorrow and radiation on her brain in the next day or so. Please pray that this treatment is effective! Pray that God removes this from her.
Well, I will close for now.
In Christ,
SUNDAY, MARCH 15, 2009 10:06 PM, CDT
Julie had a good day today. They removed the tube that was in her side that was used to drain the fluid from her lungs. Once they removed that most of her pain went away...however, not all of her pain has gone because I still give her a hard time. :-)
Tomorrow they will do the MRI and Cat Scan. Please pray that we don't get any surprises. As I mentioned in my previous posts, they found two more tumors and we are praying they don't find anything in any other location. I suspect chemo will begin later this week since the cancer has progressed since Okinawa.
Well, I will let you go for now. Know that we truly appreciate your continued prayers.
In Christ,
SATURDAY, MARCH 14, 2009 09:09 PM, CDT
Well, today was a pretty good day for Julie. Julie's surgeon was very pleased with her progress. She walked the hall three times today. The pain is still pretty bad when the medicine starts wearing off. But, all-in-all, she is doing great!
We've had visits from the Gaffords and Webbs and phone calls from many of our friends and family. Julie's mom and dad are in town and have been at the hospital most of the day. Sam is with them tonight. I think they are playing Phase 10. It sounds like a wild night for them. :-)
Again, we know many of you are lifting us up in prayer. Thanks because the journey is just beginning. Please pray that the scans on Monday does not show any significant growth or spread from the cancer.
In Christ,
FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 2009 08:42 PM, CDT
Well, it is almost 9 PM (OKC time) and Julie's surgery was complete about 3 PM and she came back to the room about 5 PM. She is in a little pain, but able to get a little rest. Both procedures went well. The scan have been postponed until Monday.
We appreciate the prayers.
In Christ,
FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 2009 01:16 PM, CDT
I wanted to give you an update. Julie went in for surgery about 1230 Oklahoma time. The surgery is expected to be about two hours. They are doing some surgical work to prevent the fluid from building up again and they are also putting in the port for her chemo. Please keep us in prayers.
FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 2009 09:33 AM, CDT
Good morning all, well they have moved up my surgery date to this afternoon. The surgery will take the lung lining and attach it to the ribs to keep fluid from gathering around the lung again and they will also put in my port too. I just want you all to know that I have been a good patient and didn't argue about being admitted or even this surgery. I don't want the cancer to beat me I want Jesus to have victory over this. Well the meds are calling my eyes so I am signing off for now and britt will give you all any updates.
In His Grip
(I am at the Baptist Hosptial in Oklahoma City)
THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 2009 10:14 PM, CDT
Hey everyone, this is Britt writing for Julie tonight. Today, she had her first appointment with her oncologist. Well, it did not go as we expected. Julie has had a tremendous time breathing since Monday. When they called us back to see the doctor, the doctor walked in and said I don't want to scare you, but we must admit you in the hospital in order to correct the breathing problem. It appears the tumors have blocked the flow of oxygen to the right lung which caused fluid to build up and it is pushing the right lung towards the left lung. They wheeled her in a wheel chair to the hospital (which was in the adjoining building) and immediately inserted a drain to relieve to some of the pressure.
Since they have her at the hospital, tomorrow they are doing MRI's and CAT scans for a brain scan, chest scan, abdomen scan, and any other scan they come up with between now and tomorrow. :-) First, they want to ensure the cancer has not spread and they want to make sure the spots in the lung has not grown drastically.
It's been a pretty emotional day, but Julie is doing better now. She's able to talk better without being winded, but the drain is painful. I'll try to keep you posted until she up to writing.
Know that we appreciate your prayers and concern.
In Christ,
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 2009 05:19 PM, CDT
Good morning to our friends in Japan and good evening to our friends here. Well the last couple of days have been hard. I've had some difficulty breathing. I have stopped the coughing. However, the tube that is blocked with the tumors has truly irritated my lungs and walking, talking. laying down (you name it) gives me trouble. I keep praying Ps 121 and seeking His help and yes, I do get discouraged, however I am trying very hard to not stay this way. I finally go to the doctor tomorrow and prayerfully he will have a solution that will help with breathing.
1 comment:
Praying for your friend!
Praying for her family and your heart to find comfort in God's love for her!
Blessings and hugs,
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