
Mettle Monday: Good Bee-havior

First I just want to brag on LJ, he now knows all the New Testament and Old Testament books of the Bible!!!! Isn't that awesome and he can even pronounce them better than me!!!!! We are working diligently at getting through his second Sparks book this month so he can finish the third book before the end of the AWANA year. He is doing great, its amazing how much that boy can store away in his brain!!!

So last week we started, and will finish up this week, a Bee-Have Poster. I wanted to change up the Fruits of the Spirit and decided to change the following adjectives to verbs so that I could use the BEE in front of the word. So I took poster board and let the boys cut it in half, then they glued a bee hive onto the poster board, section by section. Each night we have added a bee to the poster and talked about how we can Bee each thing we have put up.* I used Velcro spots so that we could remove them and handle them without damaging the poster board. Also helpful if you have little ones that like to pull things off the walls* This is how I changed The Fruits of the Spirit to A Guide On How To Bee-Have:
1. Love = Bee loving
2. Joy = Bee happy
3. Peace = Bee calm
4. Patience = Bee Patient
5. Gentleness = Bee tender hearted
6. Goodness = Bee kind
7. Faithfulness = Bee loyal
8. Meekness = Bee humble
9. Self-control = Bee self-controlled

I got all the templates from

So do you have any good resources you use for training up your children? If so leave a comment so I can go check them out!!! Have a Marvelous Monday.

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