
MorningStar Academy Year 4

It is soo hard to believe that we are back at it again for another year. Honestly I went back and forth over the summer as to whether I would homeschool another year. Homeschooling is hard enough but add a PCS move and husband who works ALL the time now and well I can get just a L-I-T-T-L-E overwhelmed. But when all is said and done and I focus on what God is telling us to do, it's another year of homeschooling and deep down that is the desire of my heart!!!! I've never thought much about making the first day back at school a big deal but after seeing what Courtney does with her kids on the first day of school and seeing the reason behind the Big Cookie tradition I thought I would have a go at it!!!!!

Here are our First Day of School pictures!!



My Big Cookie ended up being a Cookie Pizza!!!

And I thought I would come up with my own little tradition as well. Since we will be doing ECHO this year, the kids needed separate lunch bags so I decided to fill them up with some goodies and printed up a personal note for each child, encouraging them to do their best in the year to come and also reminded them of how proud I am of them!!! The notes were greatly enjoyed by all!!!!
Here are their 1st Day of School goodies
LJ being silly
I love this pic of JJ, it captures his I'm still not awake face
CJ was just eating it all up
Check back weekly as I "plan" on doing a post weekly sharing what we are doing or some things I've come up with to help make learning more meaningful and fun. I'm working on some posts for Bible memory verses for AWANA and also getting creative with the amazing Pre-K curriculum Itty-Bitty Bookworm. I also want to get back on track with my Mettle Monday's and am working on a Remember When post to celebrate a very special September birthday!!! I do hope you enjoyed your visit and come back often, I always enjoy making new blogger friends!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy start to the new school year, kiddos! Wishing you well! You are so blessed to have a fantastic teacher greet you each morning. Hugs to you all!
