
Tackle it Tuesday: The New List

Tackle It Tuesday Meme
So I almost decided not to post this week because I am a bit overwhelmed right now with the amount of things that I have to do this week. Without going into great detail our travels home were less than desirable and Big Daddy has been coping with a back injury since we got back. That has caused me to post pone alot of things that needed to be done in order to take him to doctor appts and just plain take care of him during this time. But the world continues to turn and life goes on regardless of whether I'm ready or not, so I thought I would use this week to help me get focused and create a plan of action of sorts. So here goes:

Must do:
Make meal for friend who just had baby
Finish prepping Cubbie crafts for Wednesday
Sew on Cubbie patches to vests that I have had since the middle of December.
Make grocery list
Work on school agenda for January
post week 3 reading schedule

Needs to get done:
Cera's quilt
Fold laundry
Set up school computer
Take pictures of things accomplished last week
Grocery Shop
Read through first 3 sessions of Love and Respect

Want to do:
Start de-cluttering kitchen
Prep crafts for Okuma weekend
Find place to donate clothes and toys
schedule a date night with Big Daddy

Well I'm excited about seeing what everyone else is tackling this week, so head on over with me to check out all that is going on with the other motivated tacklers on this fine Tuesday!!!!


Susie said...

Good luck on your tackle list:-)

Faith said...

Wow, good luck with that list!

Elisabeth said...

I love making lists, too. It really helps to sort things out in my mind and gives me a starting point. If each day you can accomplish just a little you'll be that much further to completing your tasks. And that always feels good!