As Advent is almost upon us, it starts this Sunday November 30Th, I am excited that our church will also be participating in this celebration as well. I didn't want our little children to miss out on this, so I have complied a lesson plan so they can participate in Advent along with their parents! I also thought this would be a great resource for any family that might be participating for the very first time. Our church, Koza Baptist, will also be posting weekly scripture reading so be sure to stop by and read a daily devotion for Christmas.
So lets get started!!!
Since Advent usually consists of a wreath and 4 to 5 candles (the 5Th on being lit on Christmas Day) we are going to make paper wreaths and candles.This is the wreath we are using from
November 30Th will be the first Sunday of Advent so our craft for this Sunday will be to cut out the wreath,decorate it and tape on the first purple candle. *if you use 5 candles you will have 3 purple, 1 pink, and one white. If you only use 4 candles you will have 3 purple and 1 pink.* We will also use this coloring page to tell the Story of Jesus birth.
Scripture reference Luke 1:26-38
December 7Th is the second Sunday and today you will put your second purple candle on the wreath. Our craft will be making sheep faces for older children or gluing cotton balls onto a sheep outline for the younger ones. I got these crafts from DLTK, awesome site. Here is the coloring page, from for this Sunday.
Scripture reference Luke 2:8-20
December 14 will be the third Sunday for Advent and the last purple candle will be added to the wreath today. Our craft for today, courtesy of is a Nativity Scene. I am only going to cut out the second template and let the children glue onto a separate sheet of construction paper. However if you have older children you might be interested in completing the craft with the original directions and then you would also need this template.If you would like you can also use or substitute this coloring sheet of the Nativity. You can also read your favorite book on the Birth of Jesus. Ours are still packed up, but once we pull them out I'll post which ones have been our favorites over the years.
Scripture reference Luke 2:4-7
December 21 is the last Sunday before Christmas and you will put the pink candle on your wreath and it will be your last if you are only using 4 candles. Our Craft today will be assembling a 3D Star. If you have younger children you can just cut out one star and let them decorate with glitter or crayons. DLTK has some good ideas for older children if they want to be more creative. There is also a coloring sheet of the Wise Men if you would like more to do.
Scripture reference Matthew 2:1-12
December 25: Happy Birthday Jesus. If you are going to use 5 candles you will complete your wreath with the white candle. On Christmas Day we bake a birthday cake for Jesus and sing him Happy Birthday. We will also be decorating boxes w/ lids on them this year for our Christmas presents to Jesus for next year. What will we put in it you might ask, we will write down things that the children do through out the year that is kind or shows mercy to others. Next year at Christmas we will open the boxes and read all the things they have done through out the year and explain how these are the greatest gifts we could ever give to Jesus. {Disclaimer, I did not come up with this idea on my own but read it somewhere if I can find it I will rightly credit the source.)

Here the boys enjoyed an Advent Breakfast and made crowns for Christmas day.
I would love to hear what Christmas celebrations you and your family partake in. I would love to hear about any other resources you use if you also celebrate Advent.

As you prepare for Christmas
don't forget JESUS is the
reason for the Season.
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